3 Alarm Fire On Route 20 In Charlton

Spencer Fire Department (@SpencerFire1)

Just before 11AM this morning, the Charlton Fire Department was dispatched to 212 Worcester Road (Route 20) for smoke in the building.   Within about 15 minutes the fire was upgraded to a 3 Alarm with several surrounding towns being called to the scene for mutual aid.

The 20 by 30 single story wood frame building had fire showing from the front of the building, and first responders fought most of the fire from teh rear of the building.  The fire was under control 40 minutes after the arrival of firefighters.  The brave men and women worked in dangerously cold and icy conditions.  The 3rd alarm assignment was done to provide water supply in the non-hydrant area of Worcester Road, and provide additional manpower due to the cold temperatures.

On Facebook, the Charlton Fire Department said, “We would like to thank the crews from Auburn, Leicester, Oxford, Southbridge, Spencer, Sturbridge, along with Spencer Rescue and Webster EMS for their assistance.”

There were no injuries reported.  The cause of the fire is being investigated.