61 Animals Removed From Auburn Home

Auburn Police
Auburn Police executed a search warrant at 4 Buron Terrace on Tuesday. It was obtained after a report of cats and dogs living in filthy, unsanitary conditions. The home has been the subject of 11 prior complaints filed with the Board of Health since 1993.
A total of 61 cats and dogs, including two litters of puppies and four litters of kittens, were removed from the home and will be medically evaluated.
The residence was deemed to be unfit for human habitation and the property was posted as such after the residents were re-located. The owners of the home have been charged with animal cruelty and operating a kennel without a license.
The police department said many people have been inquiring about the possibility of adopting some of the animals. At this time, all of the animals are being evaluated by veterinarians and will eventually be placed in foster homes with the help from the Animal Rescue League of Boston.
The adoption status of the animals will be determined at a later date. More information on that will be provided as it becomes available. The Auburn Department of Development and Inspectional Services, Massachusetts Special State Police Officer Lt. Alan Borgal and Dr. Lorraine O’Connor, the Chief Veterinarian for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Agriculture Resources also assisted in getting the animals out of the home.
More photos from the scene are below: