Another High Five Friday In Dudley


Officer Phil Megas and Dudley Police Chief Steve Wojnar, Mason Road Principal Robin Parmley and the Students

On Friday, April 13th, the Dudley Police Department participated in another “High Five Friday.”  Officers paid a visit to Mason Road Elementary School to offer High Fives to students on their way into school and on the last day before April vacation.  Chief Steve Wojnar tells THE LAKE 940 the goal of this program is to promote positive interaction with school children and police officers.

In addition, a police presence at the school helps to add to the sense of security for faculty, students and parents.

This program enhances many of the positive collaborations with the local schools and the Dudley Police Department.  School Resource Officer Phil Megas worked to coordinate this event.  The plan is to continue these at other schools in town at various times during the year.

The Dudley Police Department thanked Principal Robin Parmley and Superintendent Gregg Desto for their assistance promoting various initiatives throughout the years.