Spooktacular Halloween Parade
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October 25, 2018 @ 5:00 pm – 7:15 pm
Pearle L. Crawford Memorial Library
40 Schofield Avenue
Dudley MA
40 Schofield Avenue
Dudley MA
Pearle L. Crawford Memorial Library
(508) 949-8021
On Thursday, October 25th the Town of Dudley will host a Spooktacular Halloween Event beginning at 5PM
A Halloween parade will begin at The Pearle L. Crawford Memorial Library at 40 Schofield Avenue and proceed to the Dudley Town Hall via Brandon Road.
There will be outdoor activities at town hall, including an inflatable haunted house, a fire pit and s’mores. Hot dogs, beverages and other treats as well as crafts for kids will be available inside.
This event will be fun for all ages. For more information, please call the selectmen’s office at (508) 949-8001 or the library at (508) 949-8021.