Earth Day Cleanup In Webster A Success
It was a sunny Saturday in Webster – the perfect weather for a little Spring cleaning around town. Carole Marchand, Recreation Director for the town of Webster, lead the way with our own local Earth Day by getting a dumpster in front of town hall donated from Pratt Trucking.
Carole tells THE LAKE 940, there were over 200 trash bags filled with litter picked up all over every part of town. “Everything from nips to diapers to windshields and car batteries,” even an old tire was in the dumpster by the end of the day.
Awards were given out for the team that collected the most trash, team that found the “strangest item” and team that cover the largest area of land.
A pizza party was held at French River Park afterwards to thank the 17 teams of volunteers.
Carole said, “Now when you drive around town and see litter free streets you can now say ‘I was part of that.'”
Let’s all do our part to try and keep Webster clean, and not be litter bugs!