Dudley Grange Summer Concert Series
139 Center Road
Dudley MA
Dudley Grange 163 (Facebook)
Grange hosts Donnie & the Coyotes August 7
The Dudley Grange #163 announces an update to the August concert of the Grange Summer Music Series.
Donnie and the Coyotes, a seven-piece rock and roll band, will perform on Saturday, Aug 7 (rain date Aug 14) at 7 PM on the Grange lawn at 139 Center Rd. Dudley. Bring a lawn chair or blanket if you wish. There will be bottled water and light snacks available for purchase. This is a family-friendly event.
Following the performance, Dino Tata from Aldrich Astronomy will give a presentation on the stars to include the Perseid meteor shower which will be visible at that time. Bring a telescope or binoculars, and there will be a telescope available as well. For more information about the Grange Summer Music Series or the Dudley Grange, contact Karen at 508-341-6289.
The series is being sponsored by a grant from the Dudley Cultural Council, the local agency of the Massachusetts Cultural Council. For more information on the Grange itself, go to https://www.facebook.com/DudleyGrange.163/.