‘Extremely Intoxicated’ Men Arrested In Southbridge

Matthew Bodwell, Luke Bodwell, William Roberts/Southbridge Police Dept.
Southbridge Police were dispatched to Tipton Rock Road just after 11PM on Friday, September 7th. They were sent there to investigate reports of a motorcycle being operated erratically.
Officers observed 27 year old Matthew Bodwell of Milford riding without a helmet. When speaking with police, he claimed someone had run him off of the road causing him to crash his motorcycle. He also had previously called his brother to come pick him up at the scene.
While officers investigated, police watched another vehicle travelling at a high rate of speed. The driver of that car was identified as 29 year old William Roberts of Uxbridge. Police say Roberts had to slam on his brakes to avoid striking police and came “within inches of hitting Bodwell’s motorcycle” on the side of the road.
Bodwell’s brother, Luke was a passenger in that vehicle. Police determined that both Matthew Bodwell and William Roberts were both “extremely intoxicated” and placed under arrest.
While that was going on, Matthew’s brother Luke began yelling obscenities at police for arresting his brother. After refusing several requests to calm down, 26 year old Luke Bodwell of Southbridge was also placed under arrest. A female passenger in the car was cooperative and not charged with any crime.
Matthew Bodwell was charged with operating under the influence of alcohol, negligent operation of a motor vehicle and operation of a motor vehicle with a suspended license for OUI while OUI. His brother, Luke Bodwell was charged with disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace and William Roberts was charged with operating under the influence of alcohol and with negligent operation of a motor vehicle.
All were held at Southbridge Police Headquarters pending their release on bail and/or their arraignment in Dudley District Court on Monday September 10th.