Blake Shelton Sends Message To Local Students


@BlakeShelton (Instagram)

Blake Shelton recently shared a special message to students of Warren’s Quabog Regional Middle &  High School.  The message was included in a longer tribute video to 3 students who died in a car accident in West Brookfield on November 6th.

In the video, Blake says, “I can understand how you guys feel.  It’s the worst possible feeling.  It’s confusion.  It’s anger.  It’s just an overall brokenness that’s just gonna take a lot of time to heal.”

Shelton’s brother died in a car accident back in 1990.  He found out about the local teens who were killed through his mother, who grew up with a member of Quaboag’s school committee.

A spaghetti supper is planned for 6PM on December 15th at Quaboag Regional High School to raise money for memorial scholarships for 14 year old Jaclyn Desrosiers, 15 year old Christian Congelos and 16 year old Lena Noonan.  Tickets are available at all the school.

The message from Blake Shelton is included in the video below.