Body Of Teen Found Burned In Millbury Home

Edd Cote/Millbury Fire Dept

State Police Detectives assigned to the Worcester County District Attorney’s Office are investigating the death of a teenage boy whose body was found at the scene of a fire on Saturday night.

The smoky fire began in the living room of the home at 26 Stone Road in Millbury shortly after 9PM.  The body of the boy who lived in the home was found in the rubble of the room.

Three other residents of the home escaped the fire, although one resident did sustain burns to his face and arms while trying to put out the fire with a fire extinguisher.

The teen’s body was removed from the scene by the office of the Chief Medical Examiner.  An autopsy will be performed to determine the cause and manner of death.

The cause of the fire remains under investigation by the Millbury Fire and Police Departments and the State Police assigned to the Office of the State Fire Marshal.