Drug Take-Back Day A Success In Dudley

Dudley Police Department
October 27th was National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day, and several local police departments took part in collecting unused, expired or unwanted prescription drugs.
The last Take-Back Day brought in almost 1 million pounds of unused or expired prescription medication, nationwide.
Locally, the Dudley Police Department joined the Drug Enforcement Administration for their 13th take-back event.
The free and anonymous service in Dudley was attended by dozens of people dropping off a large amount of medications. Police also had three needle drop boxes for those who sought to dispose of medical sharps.
Due to the success of the event, Dudley Police encourage everyone to take advantage of these types of programs in the future.
The next Drug Take Back Day in Dudley is tentatively planned for next Spring. If you missed take-back day yesterday, you can click here to find a year-round location to safely dispose of unwanted drugs.