Free Summer Meals For Kids In Webster

The Webster Public School Department has announced they are taking park in a federally-funded child nutrition program to provide Summer meals to children.  Kids who rely on school meals during the school year can struggle to get enough to eat during the summer months.  Free meals served at schools in the Summer can help.

The program is administered by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education with support from anti-hunger organizations Project Bread and the Child Nutrition Outreach Program.

Ellen Nylen, Food Service Director and chef at Webster Public Schools told THE LAKE 940, it is similar to the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs.  “During summer meals we are required to follow the same nutrition requirements that we follow during the school year, which includes serving whole-grain items and a serving of fruit and/or vegetables at each meal.”

Superintendent Ruthann Goguen would like all area children to know to know these summer meals are absolutely free to anyone 18 years old and under.  Other than age, there are no other requirements for the free Summer meals.  For example, you are not required to be a Webster resident and you don’t even have to be enrolled in Webster Public Schools.

Summer meal programs like this one are made possible under the community provision for towns with a free and reduced lunch eligibility rate high enough to qualify the entire district regardless of their enrollment status or where or if they attend school.

Lunch will be served Monday through Friday from 11AM to 1PM at Park Avenue Elementary (58 Park Avenue) from July 9th to August 10th and at Webster Middle School (75 Poland Street) from July 9th to July 27th.

“It’s really a wonderful program serving good, healthy food in a nice atmosphere; what’s not to like?” Chef Nyland asked.

For more information you may call Webster Public Schools Food Service at (508) 949-7516.