Election Day In Webster
MONDAY EVENING UPDATE: For a recap of election night results click here.
Today, May 7th, is Election Day in Webster. Not only will voters get to decide which candidate will sit on the Board of Selectmen for the next 3 years, there will also be 5 questions regarding changing the town charter. More information on that can be found here.
You may also choose to vote for unopposed seats for the Board of Health, The Finance Committee, Town Assessor, Town Clerk, The Housing Authority and more.
If you missed our candidate profiles, here is a quick recap. Incumbent Randy Becker is a 54 year resident of Webster, graduate of Bartlett High School and Nichols College and is a retired Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for MAPFRE Insurance in Webster. He has held a seat on the Board of Selectmen since May of 2015.
Candidate Greg Walkowiak has no prior experience running for office, but as a political newcomer, is interested in trying to solve problems facing the town. He also graduated from Bartlett High School, Cape Cod Community College and Worcester State University and has lived in Webster on and off for 47 years.
Polls will be open from 7AM to 8PM. Please note your voting location may have changed. Since the Town Hall auditorium is the temporary home to the town library, this year’s temporary voting sites are located next to Town Hall as follows: Precincts 1 and 2 will vote at The United Church of Christ Federated 4 Church Street and Precincts 3, 4, and 5 will vote at the Senior Center located at 5 Church Street.
The Town Clerk’s Office may be reached with any questions at (508) 949-3800, extension 4003.
A copy of the entire ballot can be viewed here.

Randy Becker & Greg Walkowiak