New 911 Service Available to Webster & Dudley Residents

South Worcester County 9-1-1 (Facebook)
The South Worcester County Communications Center has announced a new service being offered to the residents in Webster and Dudley that will help to decrease the time to reach the local Communications Center during an emergency.
Effective December 11, 2017, the South Worcester County Communications Center began receiving 911 calls directly from cellular devices. Previously all 911 calls originating on cellular devices were routed through a statewide call center and then directed to the appropriate agency for dispatch.
With the implementation this past year of the Next Generation 911 System, the ability to take cellular calls directly became a viable solution. This change will result in a decrease in time to reach the local communications center and will result in a decrease in the number of call takers that you will need to speak with to report an emergency. A small number of cellular 911 calls may continue to be routed through the statewide call center due to cellular technology limitations.
Communications Director Gregory Lynskey says, “The SWCCC Board of Directors, Operations Board, and I reviewed the idea of taking cellular calls extensively last summer and we quickly arrived at the decision that this is a huge benefit to the safety of the public in our jurisdictions. We are pleased to provide this new service to our residents and those who work or travel through Webster and Dudley.”
The SWCCC says they are committed to providing first class emergency 911 and dispatching services to the residents of the communities they serve and will continue to evaluate new technologies that become available that will assist us in improving the services we provide.