Security Increased At Bartlett High School After Out Of State Threat
There was increased police presence at Webster’s Bartlett High School on September 11th due to a threat made against “BHS.”
Superintendent of schools Ruthann Petruno-Goguen was made aware of a possible threat of gun violence against a school with the same initials as Bartlett High School. “The Webster Police were immediately contacted and have confirmed that this threat came from out of state where an arrest has recently been made in Brunswick, Georgia.” she wrote in a letter sent home with students.
The school department immediately took precautionary measures this morning across the district, just in case. Superintendent Goguen added, “We collaborated with the Webster Police, the Webster Middle School was contacted, we held an assembly to inform our students and staff, a one call went out to inform all families and there will be increased police presence in our school.” the letter continued.
She would like to remind students and families of the importance of speaking up and “saying something when you see something” and thanks the students who spoke up this morning to alert her of a possible threat.
Again, there was no threat against Bartlett High School, or any local schools.
A copy of the letter sent by Superintendent Goguen is below: Public Schools