Webster Firefighters Help Woman Out Of Tight Situation


Webster Fire Rescue

Everyday, the men and women of the Webster Fire Department risk their lives running into burning buildings and helping people in car crashes, but this rescue was a little different.

A woman walked into the fire station on Thursday afternoon with a steel necklace that she couldn’t remove.  Luckily for the woman, Deputy Chief Chris Jolda had attended a class a few months ago on this type of specialized rescue.  He and Captain Kevin Adams were able to successfully remove the necklace in just few minutes.

Deputy Chief Chris Jolda tells THE LAKE 940, “It was steel with a hinge to put it around the neck and a screw from top to bottom to secure it once on. The owner stripped out the screw head trying to remove it.  It was not really tight, they just couldn’t remove it. There was room for the fireproof blanket and spoon.”

He told us that the spoon was modified by the department to help out in these kinds of rescues.  “We have several that we flattened out and cut to fit different areas, like between a ring and finger.”

They had thought about trying to use bolt cutters, “but they do not cut, they fracture the material. We felt we had better control doing it this way as we practice this.”

When the necklace came off, the woman shouted, “Oh, you guys are the best!”

Check out the sparks flying on the amazing video below.
