Webster Police Chief Announces Retirement


Chief Timothy Bent/Webster Police

After more than 30 years in public service, 13 of which serving as Webster’s Police Chief, Timothy Bent has announced he is retiring next month.

In a post on the department’s Facebook page, he writes, “I would like to inform the community that I will be retiring on January 12, 2019.  Thank you so much for your support throughout the years. It has been my pleasure to serve you.”

In addition to a message to residents, he also thanked his wife and children for many years of support.

Chief Bent says that he had been “wrestling with the decision of when would be the perfect time to retire for a long time,” but decided this would be a “perfect time.”

Bent says serving as police chief has been one of the greatest honors in his life, and he didn’t intend on staying in the position for as many years as he did, but he “was blessed with a great staff, past and present, which made my job so much easier.”

The process to find a new chief began during the summer.

Read Chief Bent’s full statement below.


