Zero Tolerance For Shoplifting In Southbridge


Southbridge Police

Something you would think is common sense, just isn’t for some people.  Southbridge Police say “due to the increase in shoplifting in our community” they have partnered with retail businesses and have formed the Counter-Crime Shoplifting Initiative.

At their first meeting in March they have decided on a “zero tolerance approach to dealing with the problem.”  All people who are caught shoplifting in Southbridge will be arresting & prosecuted.

Police Chief Shane Woodson says many of the same offenders are responsible for most of the thefts that occur at the stores in Southbridge, and many of them even go from store to store stealing products.  It is his belief that arresting and prosecuting shoplifters will prevent the person from entering any of the retailers who are a part of the Counter-Crime Shoplifting Initiative.

Customers will notice which retailers are now a part of our Counter-Crime Shoplifting Initiative by this notice which is now posted at the entrances/exits to all of the participating stores.

Chief Woodson says, “If you’re a shoplifter be prepared to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and no trespassed from the participating retailers in our community.”

THE LAKE 940 has learned since the inception of this initiative, Southbridge Police have already charged 16 suspects with shoplifting and we will also be posting their mugshots online.

The first few lucky customers of this new rule are posted below.