Zone 2 Hydrant Flushing Begins On Tuesday

The Webster Water Department has completed Zone 1 of its flushing program that began on April 9th.  Zone 2 will begin on Tuesday, April 24th.  Zone 2 is the northern part of town, including Cudworth Road, Worcester Road, North Main Street and the connecting streets.

Webster Water Department Superintendent Greg Woods asks that residents check water quality before use and call the Water Department at (508) 949-3861 if you experience discolored water or loss of water pressure.

The water department says there is no need to be alarmed as dirty or discolored water is normal as a result of your zone, or an adjacent zone being flushed.  If the water is dark or rusty looking keep it running until it clears out before using.

Please consult the maps and street listings below to determine which zone you are located in.  All flushings of hydrants should be complete in the next 4 to 6 weeks.