Charlton Police Recognized By Students

Charlton Police Department (Facebook)
The Charlton Elementary School’s “Choose To Be Nice” club reached out to the fine men and women of the Charlton Police Department to join their campaign to gather gifts for the Toys For Tots program to help local children in need.
Every member of the club donated a present which filled two Charlton police cruisers with gifts.
The students and staff of the school presented the police department with a ‘handmade’ banner which read, “For all you have done and all you will do, I know I am safe because of you.”
In addition to the banner, the officers were also given a book of thanks with individual messages to members of the department.
Check out some of the pictures below from the Charlton Police’s Facebook page.
A reminder, Webster’s Police Department is also holding a Toys For Tots campaign, more details on that can be found here.