Dudley Open Burning Season Begins On Monday

Dudley Fire Department (Facebook)
The town of Dudley reminds residents that “open burning season” begins on Monday, January 15th.
A permit must be obtained from the fire department if you plan on burning any items outdoors. As weather conditions change daily, and can change rapidly especially in the spring, fire wardens will determine on a daily basis when it is safe to conduct open burning. If winds kick up or other atmospheric conditions change suddenly, making it unsafe to burn, permits can be rescinded for the day an no burning permitted.
Permits can be obtained for $20 at the Dudley Fire Station. Before you start the burning, you must call the station to activate the permits and find out if burning is permitted for that day.
Open burning must be a minimum of 75 feet from all buildings and must be conducted between the hours of 10 AM and 4 PM and must take place on the land closest to the source of material to be burned. The season will run until May 1st. Any questions can be directed to (508) 949-8040.