New Exit Numbers On Route 395 and 290 Under Way

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation has been busy installing new signage across the state to alert drivers of new exit ramp numbers since last year. The heavily traveled highways like Routes 93, 95, 128, 146, and MassPike have been completed, and now it is time to start working on our local highways, Routes 395 and 290.
If you are wondering why these changes are being made, MassDOT must comply with federal highway mandates, which require mile-based exit signs. If you’re used to heading to Oxford and getting off Exit 5 for Depot Road, that will soon be Exit 9. Heading to Southbridge Street in Worcester? You’ll take Exit 15 instead of 11.
The complete list of Routes 395 and 290 exits is located here.
Crews have begun installing the new signs and are expected to finish in about 2 weeks. Crews will perform the work during overnight hours between 8 PM and 5 AM.
The Connecticut portion of Interstate 395 renumbering has already been done.
A video explanation provided by MassDOT is below.